Periodontal treatment methods depend upon the type and severity of the disease. The periodontist will evaluate for periodontal disease and recommend the appropriate treatment.
There are non-surgical and surgical treatments the periodontist may choose to perform, depending upon the exact condition of the teeth, gums and jawbone. A periodontal examination of the mouth will be done before any treatment is recommended or performed.
Here are some of the more common treatments for periodontal disease:
- Scaling and root planing - In order to preserve the health of the gum tissue, the bacteria and calculus (tartar) which initially caused the infection, must be removed. The gum pockets will be cleaned to help the alleviate the infection. A prescription mouthwash may be incorporated into daily cleaning routines.
- Tissue regeneration - When the bone and gum tissues have been destroyed, regrowth can be actively encouraged using either bone grafting and/or soft tissue grafting procedures.
- Pocket elimination surgery - Pocket elimination surgery (also known as flap surgery) is a surgical treatment which can be performed to reduce the pocket size between the teeth and gums.
- Dental implants - When teeth have been lost due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, trauma or when teeth are congenitally missing, the aesthetics and functionality of the mouth can in many instances be restored by placing dental implant supported teeth into the jawbone. Tissue regeneration procedures may be required prior to the placement of dental implant supported teeth in order to strengthen the bone.
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